Bakrund Havsalliansen

Seminar - How to reuse and recycle in practice and at scale

Logotyp Ocean Alliance

May 10 at 14.00 / 2 PM

We need to massively increase the reuse and recycling of plastic products and packaging in practice and at scale.

As material recycling levels are still low, we do understand that recycling is not the silver bullet solution to solving plastic pollution. There are examples of existing Deposit-Return-Schemes in Sweden (“pant”) that obviously work pretty well, except that there is a lot left to be done. As stated in the roadmap for sustainable use of plastics, an emphasis on reusing plastics repeatedly is a priority. So, how could business reuse and recycle in practice and at scale?

Well, in this seminar, Malin Leth and Anders Mildner are about to find out. 

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