Seminars - How to rewire the plastics market in Sweden

Seminar 6 (20 September) - How to reach a net-net plastics circularity
Guided by the five Rs - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Restore - Malin Leth and Anders Mildner have for the last four seminars explored the different ways there are for businesses to tap into a circular plastics economy. Being the last seminar of this series, this is the conclusion. The finale where we summarize key take-aways and highlight essential factors in the transformation towards a circular plastics economy, ultimately reaching a net-net plastics circularity.

Seminar 5 (21 June) - How to restore our oceans from plastic pollution
Restoration of our landscapes and seascapes to achieve the vision of plastic-free oceans means taking action upstream and downstream. It means picking up litter items that have already reached nature, while at the same time working with awareness-raising activities on norms and human behaviour, but also strengthening existing waste management infrastructure and related policies. All in all, it means to stop the stream of litter at source from a broad variety of perspectives. In this seminar, Malin Leth and Anders Mildner focus on one of these perspectives, namely how our connection to nature plays a role in the decisions we make as individuals and as organizations.

Seminar 4 (May 10, 2022) - How to reuse and recycle in practice and at scale
We need to massively increase the reuse and recycling of plastic products and packaging in practice and at scale.
As material recycling levels are still low, we do understand that recycling is not the silver bullet solution to solving plastic pollution. There are examples of existing Deposit-Return-Schemes in Sweden (“pant”) that obviously work pretty well, except that there is a lot left to be done. As stated in the roadmap for sustainable use of plastics, an emphasis on reusing plastics repeatedly is a priority. So, how could business reuse and recycle in practice and at scale?
Well, in this seminar, Malin Leth and Anders Mildner are about to find out.
Download the scribe from our seminar here
Download the tool "How to"

Launch event (April 19, 2022): Report “Hello, businesses rethinking plastics!”
We have a report!
Welcome to join in on the launch event of the report where we say hello to business that are rethinking plastics.
In this launch event, Jane Falkstranden and Anders Mildner dive deep into the essentials of the report; the vast variety of entry points that are available for businesses to tap into – or amplify – the transition towards a circular plastics economy, together with guests Christian Håkansson, Farida Ahmadi Högfeldt and Joakim Brodahl.
Join in to get filled with inspiration from different actions taken that all are very much about moving away from taking, making and wasting to a circular plastics economy.
Read the report here

Seminar 3 (Mars 28, 2022) - How to reduce fossil-based virgin plastics
Of all plastics that’s ever been made, only nine percent has been recycled - because, generally speaking, making virgin plastics is often the cheapest option (in comparison to collect, sort, recover, and recycle existing plastics). Also, most of the virgin plastics made so far are fossil-based. This is of course problematic in many, many ways, and action is needed to reduce the use of fossil-based virgin plastics.
In this seminar, Malin Leth and Anders Mildner explore material substitution and new ways of manufacturing – specifically looking at 3D-printing.
Download the scribe from our seminar here
Download the tool "How to"

Seminar 2 (February 21, 2022) - How to refuse unnecessary and problematic single-use plastics
The fact that half of all plastics produced is designed to be used only once, reminds us of the need to rethink the way we use our resources. This does not work in the long run.
Inspired by what Åsa said in the episode 2Rs about questioning the very existence of products - Malin Leth and Anders Mildner explore the most well-consumed products we know of today; single-use plastics. And, specifically, in what ways it is deemed problematic and unnecessary.
Download the scribe from our seminar here
Download the tool "How to"

Seminar 1 (November 22, 2021) - Making large scale change
We have to close the loop on plastics, eliminate the leakage and ramp up the way we use resources repeatedly. But, how will we change the way our system is functioning today, going from a linear setup to a fully circular plastics economy?
Download the scribe from our seminar here
Download our roadmap
Listen to the podcast episode about "Plastics Loop" here.
Learn more about Ocean Alliance
Join in on the ride towards a circular plastics economy in Sweden!