Material and packaging innovation at its core
Blue Ocean Closures in Karlstad has developed a new sustainable solution for big-volume products, such as big bottles for carbonated drinks. It is now possible to replace the plastic screw caps with bio-based screw caps. The design combines a top-liner and a body made of sustainably sourced wood-fibre (FSC-certified) materials. This product is a technological breakthrough, and it can be adapted to any container and can be recycled as paper.
— We have been able to find a base technology from a mechanical point of view. The production system around it is just as important as the market, says Lars Sandberg, CEO and founder of Blue Ocean Closures.
Closure packaging is usually constructed from a combination of materials, such as the plastic screw cap on a juice box.
— Our product is does the same job, but it’s made from fibre-based material. You get something genuinely biodegradable, and it’s based on a sustainable material.
The design combines a top-liner and a body of sustainably sourced wood-based, FSC-certified fibre material. This product is a technological breakthrough. It can be adapted to most packaging and is recycled as paper
— Sustainability started us on this track and it is driving our brand owners to be a part of making this transition. We want to find areas with an excellent technical fit to prevent microplastics and single-use products from ending up in nature.
The future market for biodegradable screw caps in Sweden and Europe is promising.
— With the single-use plastics directive being rolled out, our scope includes addressing the big volume items like carbonated drink closures.
FSC-fibre is made from natural sources such as wood and is renewed as cellulose fibre.